Priority areas (RPPH)

Noncommunicable diseases and mental health 

• Interventions to improve breast cancer survival in the Region

• Pilot testing of mobile phone surveys to strengthen NCD risk factors surveillance in countries of the Region

• Identifying and testing delivery strategies for evidence-based interventions to reduce stigma and discrimination against mental, neurological and substance use  disorders

• Attributes of a programme for successful and sustainable community-based mental health care delivery

• Implementation of research to inform cervical cancer interventions in the Region

Universal health coverage, primary health care, health systems 

• Role of PHC in COVID-19 in the Region and how it could be strengthened by building resilient PHC at national and sub-national levels

• Role of community engagement in implementing integrated people-centred health services 

• Establishing country relevant “models of care” to enhance service coverage on the path to UHC

• Making UHC happen at country level: push and pull factors

• Integrating Essential Public Health Functions in PHC in the Region

Healthier populations

• Determinants and gaps in quality of care for newborns and child health care at the facility level

• Assessment of maternal and perinatal deaths surveillance system at the country level

• Effect of adopting the WHO ten group classification system in preventing unnecessary use of cesarean section

• Burden of two and three wheelers related traffic injuries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

• Indoor air quality in public places and its impact on health

Science, information and dissemination  

• Influence of COVID-19 on the transformation of health professionals’ education towards the use of digital technologies, including challenges faced and coping strategies during the transition and transformation

• Assessing the degree and extent of use of evidence in national policymaking for health

• Case study to assess research governance (priorities, funding, ethics, standards) at the national level

• Developing and assessing the performance of quantitative indicators that can measure the status of research governance and ethics in countries of different context

• Case studies of institutional processes to enhance multi-concept evidence-informed policy-making processes (as introduced in RC2019)

Country health emergency preparedness and International Health Regulations 

• Assessing emergency care systems’ quality of care services in lower middle-income countries in the Region

• Responding to and deploying interventions that protect against infodemics and mitigate their harmful effects

• Systematic review of disaster risk reduction policies; obstacles to risk mitigation in countries of the Region

• Factors to consider in selection and timing of public health measures in the region (impacts of time lag to implement response measures: when should be done/actually implemented)

• Role of the IHR monitoring and evaluation tools and the universal health and preparedness review in assessment of countries’ capacity for public health emergencies preparedness

Infectious hazard preparedness 

• Burden of disease assessments for typhoid/other waterborne diarrhoeal diseases 

• Threat of emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases in the Region: country response and lessons learnt

• Intervention community field studies to improve uptake of risk communication and community engagement for outbreak response

• Enhancing critical/ICU care capacities and life-saving skills among front-line health care workers in fragile, conflict-affected and vulnerable countries

• Barriers and enablers of use of seasonal influenza vaccines among health care workers

Health emergency information and risk assessment 

• Landscape assessment of the surveillance systems in countries of the Region to identify the opportunities, gaps, and ways forward for the establishment/strengthening of event-based surveillance

• Rapid review of monitoring and evaluation systems and their robustness for monitoring emergency response during the COVID-19 pandemic.