Improving programme implementation through embedded research workshop on data management, interpretation and implementation strategy

iPIER_workshop_group_photoA workshop was conducted at the WHO Regional Office in Cairo, Egypt, from 16 to 18 May 2016 on improving programme implementation through embedded Research (iPIER), an initiative supported by the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, focusing on data management and implementation strategies.

The objectives of the workshop were to:

  • assist the principal investigators of iPIER research grants in data management and interpretation; and
  • develop an implementation strategy and report findings in peer-reviewed journals.

It focused on:

  • sharing key findings of the research projects;
  • applying research findings to programmes and systems;
  • developing an implementation strategy;
  • identifying challenges in developing implementation strategies and publishing iPIER results in peer-reviewed journals.

The workshop was attended by 15 participants, representing 9 iPIER-funded research grants from 6 countries of the Region – Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Sudan, Yemen. Additional teams from Palestine, Pakistan and Somalia took part in the workshop through remote communication. Experts from the Institute of Community and Public Health, Birzeit, Palestine; Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, WHO headquarters; and Research Promotion and Development programme of the Regional Office facilitated the workshop.

Outcomes included:

  • sharing of key findings of research projects;
  • development of implementation strategies with clear targets and timelines based on research findings; in addition to the development of draft manuscripts for publication of iPIER results in peer-reviewed journals by some groups.  

This workshop was a follow-up to the first iPIER workshop in March 2015 on protocol development, also held at the Regional Office. 

Related links

Improving Programme Implementation through Embedded Research (iPIER)

Institute of Community and Public Health

Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research