Blood donation media campaign kicks off

WHO Representative in Sudan Dr Anshu Banerjee, who is optimistic of the outcome of the campaign, said, “I strongly feel that this campaign will impact our over-all efforts to increase the number of voluntary blood donors in Sudan”. Dr Anshu added that the campaign, financially supported by the Global Fund, encourages more people to donate blood voluntarily and regularly as regular blood donations are needed to ensure that safe blood will be available whenever and wherever it is required.

In Sudan, only 49% of blood collections are from voluntary blood donors. The Federal Ministry of Health works closely with WHO to increase the percentage of voluntary donations to 100% by 2020, and to help the country build a stable base of voluntary unpaid blood-donors who hopefully would make a long-term commitment to blood donation.

“The lack of blood supply is one of the main causes of death of women during child birth, children suffering from anaemia, patients with cancer and victims of various types of accidents such as car accident”, Dr Ahmed Hassan, Director of the National Blood Transfusion Service said. It is only through recognition of the importance of voluntary blood donation that we will get sufficient blood supply, and consequently prevent avoidable deaths in Sudan.

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Blood donation campaign in Sudan on Facebook