World TB Day in Sudan

Event at Gezira state Culture Palace

Events included one in on 26 March 2012. The event was celebrated in a festive mood with young and old marching in the streets to music.

Students, health workers, members of the TB patients' association and government officials gathered at the state Culture Palace. Messages were imparted through speeches, songs and drama.

Organizations including the Sudan TB Patients' Association, Women's Union and the Sudanese Red Crescent Society supported the event.

Sudan’s military supports the fight against TB

Another World TB Day event was held in a military camp in Khartoum. Organized by the Directorate of Medical Services for Sudan’s military forces, the occasion was attended by soldiers and military officials.

WHO Representative in Sudan, Dr Anshu Banerjee, emphasized the need for rapid, concerted and sustained action against TB. He explained that this can be done by expanding partnerships with the private sector and gaining stronger political support.

During the event, the committment of the military in the fight against TB was reaffirmed. This will be done by continuing to raise awareness of the disease among the different echelons of the armed forces.