Yellow fever outbreak in Sudan update, 18 November 2012

To vaccinate 2.4 million population, the required fund is US$ 5.2 million. The Central Emergency Response Fund has approved US$ 2.6 million while US$ 1.7 million has been mobilized at country level, including operational support from international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs), the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as Government contribution. WHO is now seeking support from ECHO to fill the funding gaps for vaccination campaign and provision of treatment for patients.

Seven INGOs working in 12 localities prioritized for the vaccination campaign have committed to bear operational costs for the campaign, namely the International Committee of the Red Cross, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)-Belgium, MSF-Spain, MSF-Swiss, Merlin, Save the Children – Swiss, and International Medical Corps.

pdf Situation Report No 7 on yellow fever outbreak in Darfur, 18 November 2012