WHO in Somalia
WHO supports launch of universal health coverage roadmap in Somalia
Mogadishu, 16 September 2019 – Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Somalia experienced a significant milestone yesterday when WHO and the Federal Government of Somalia launched the roadmap to UHC for Somali people in a formal ceremony held at the Somali state house today. The UHC roadmap portrays the strategic framework and medium-term goals for the...
WHO and UNICEF Somalia and partners call on all Somalis to vaccinate children against polio
Polio teams roll out targeted polio campaign to halt ongoing outbreak A vaccinator marks door of a home to show that the children in the house were vaccinated. Photo: WHO SomaliaMogadishu, 25 June 2019 - Health authorities rolled out a polio campaign yesterday in Puntland and Somaliland to vaccinate more than 940 000 children under 5 years of...
Cholera vaccination drive begins in high-risk districts in Somalia
Mogadishu, 22 June 2019 – Somalia has just launched one of Africa’s largest immunization campaigns using oral cholera vaccines (OCV). The campaign, which runs from 22 to 28 June 2019 in high-risk areas of Somalia, will vaccinate more than 650 000 people aged one year and above to eliminate the risk of the disease among vulnerable populations and to...
Ending cholera in Somalia
A woman receives oral cholera vaccination in Kahda district, Banadir region, Mogadishu. Photo: Maryan Abdi Sheikh23 June 2019 – Combating cholera is a challenge for Somalia. Due to protracted crisis destroying the water and sanitation infrastructure and dilapidated health systems, coupled with regular flooding, several states are recurrently...
Vaccines are saving millions of lives of children in Somalia: urgent need to scale up routine immunization programme
7 May 2019 – From the moment we’re born, we’re all at risk of contracting diseases. So the question is, are we aware enough? Are we responsible enough? Are we immune enough? Not long ago infections like influenza, tetanus, chickenpox and measles were prolonged, painful illnesses, which often resulted in death. Immunization saves millions of lives...
Somalia joins the world in marking World Health Day
Mogadishu, Somalia, 9 April, 2019 – WHO in Somalia joined the world in marking World Health Day on 7 April by forming a human solidarity chain with representatives of United Nations agencies and key partners in Mogadishu. All around the world solidarity chains were formed to mark the Day and symbolize the importance of strong partnership and...
Nationwide polio immunization campaign aims to leave no child under 5 behind to end polio
Mogadishu, 26 March 2019 – A nationwide polio immunization campaign has been launched in Somalia that will run from 24 to 27 March. The campaign aims to vaccinate an estimated 3.1 million children under the age of 5 in the country. The campaign is part of WHO’s efforts to ensure that Somalia remains polio free as it has from indigenous wild...
Driving change for Somali mothers and children
11 March 2019 – In most parts of the world, women announce a pregnancy with excitement; they can count on quality and timely support when delivering a child. In Somalia, excitement is often lined with unease, as women are cognizant of the risks associated with pregnancy and delivery. Inadequate health facilities, particularly in remote, rural...
Somalia developing comprehensive plan to improve health of mothers, children and adolescents
WHO and partners support development of Somali reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health strategyMogadishu, 24 January 2019 - With support from the World Health Organization (WHO) and other United Nations partners, Somalia is currently developing a strategy that will change the rhetoric in the country and ensure Somali...
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