Public health emergency pre-deployment training in Tunisia

WHO staff members at a refugee campThe WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean is organizing public health emergency pre-deployment training course in Tunisia, in collaboration with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Humanitarian U in Canada and Le Sagasse University in Lebanon, from 1 to 7 December 2015.

The course is designed to prepare WHO country staff and Ministry of Health personnel to work effectively and safely in defined incident command systems in emergency and crisis situations, including epidemic and other disease outbreaks. The pre-deployment training will support government and UN cluster systems to implement humanitarian assistance in the case of a large-scale emergency, as well as comply with administrative, financial, human resources and reporting systems and standard operating procedures governing WHO health activities in crises.


The training programme will include 5 days of classroom instruction and simulation exercise. Study will proceed progressively with major themes, from risk assessment and preparedness on Day 1, responding to a sudden onset event on Day 2, administration and management on Day 3, responding to a chronic event on Day 4, and stabilization/recovery on Day 5.

Methods and materials

The course will include core materials needed for any hazard event. Examples, case studies and simulations will be modified to highlight the most common events for participants. This will include infectious disease outbreaks, radiological and chemical events, foodborne outbreaks, mass gatherings, natural disasters, and complex emergencies.

Technicians in the field

Assessment and accreditation

Certificates of attendance will be provided to participants based on full participation during all sessions, including completion of exercises. Successful candidates will be entered into a roster for possible mobilization in future emergency events.

Course costs

The costs of course will be fully covered by WHO.

Selection of applicants


  • You are a public health professional in the area of national or international emergency response/ outbreak preparedness, alert and response
  • You have or may be required to have coordination, operational or management responsibilities/duties in your current occupation
  • You seek skills and knowledge as a generalist in responding to emergencies and outbreaks
  • You are fluent in written and spoken English.


  • You have knowledge, understanding and experience in the field of disease prevention and control
  • You have experience of field response in emergency or outbreak situations in humanitarian emergencies.

Download the application form

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