Weekly update: cholera in Somalia, 13 February 2017

  • A total of 913 new suspected cases of cholera, including 10 deaths and a case–fatality rate of 1.1% have been reported in Somalia by the federal Ministry of Health.
  • There has been a decrease in fatalities compared to last week (case–fatality rate 1.7%) indicating an improvement in patient care and overall response activities in the country. 
  • WHO continues to work with the Somali Ministry of Health as well as Health and WASH cluster partners to strengthen cholera response activities at the national and regional levels. A new cholera treatment centre has been established in Burhakaba, and health workers have been trained on case management. Chlorination of water source was conducted in Baidoa, Burhakaba and surrounding areas. Five water kiosks have been constructed in Mahadaay district. 
  • Campaigns raising awareness on the ills of open defecation as well as the importance of hand-washing were held in Jowhar. Demonstrations on water treatment and the use of oral rehydration salts at home have also conducted.
  • The cholera outbreak in Somalia has affected in 38 districts in 8 regions and is spreading to new villages and districts. Most of the affected districts are along the Shebelle River where the waters have dried up. The ongoing drought, subsequent water shortage and malnutrition have led to the spread of the outbreak.
  • Since the beginning of January 2017, 4026 cumulative suspected cases of cholera including 57 deaths (case–fatality rate 1.5%) have been reported. Due to the prolonged conflict in the country, insecurity and accessibility are among the hindrances to cholera response operations.

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