WHO in Syria
Health educators in Syria strengthen skills to promote health in schools
2 November 2021, Damascus – The latest data from Syria depict that people hospitalized with severe forms of COVID-19 and those who died from its consequences were unvaccinated. It is not surprising, as currently, only 6.2% of the population have received vaccination. If the vaccines in the projected pipeline will be delivered in the coming...
Batoul’s journey to recovery: WHO providing quality mental health services to people in need
10 October 2021, Damascus – Prior to being displaced to Al Hol camp in north-east Syria, Batoul, 28, used to live in Al Bab city in rural Aleppo. She knows very well how the sudden loss of home and loved ones can affect mental health and well-being. “I was around 27 when I developed a severe psychological condition. I could hear a lot of powerful...
World Patient Safety Day in Syria
22 September 2021 – On World Patient Safety Day on 17 September WHO Syria partnered with the Ministry of Higher Education to Syria in lighting up the Damascus Maternal and Pediatrics hospitals in orange. Orange is landmark signature of the global campaign on the occasion of World Patient Safety Day which this year focused on safe maternal and...
Syrian national stakeholders assess preparedness for public health threats
22 September 2021, Damascus – This week stakeholders from the Ministry of Health, Foreign Affairs, Education, Higher Education, Finance, Local Administration and Environment, Social Affairs and Labour, Water Resources, Agriculture, Defense, Interior, and Transportation will collectively assess the country’s capacity to address health threats and public...
Update on COVID-19 vaccination in Syria, 22 September 2021
Summary As of 19 September 2021, a total of 610,257 doses of COVAX and bilateral donations delivered vaccines were administered in government-controlled areas and northeast Syria; and 119,158 doses in northwest Syria. A total number of vaccinated people in government-controlled areas and northeast Syria is 448,399 (of which 271, 276 are fully...
Every sector in Syria has a role to play in addressing social determinants of health and influencing health outcomes
30 August 2021, Damascus – The conditions under which people are born, grow, live and age, as well as the forces and systems that shape the conditions of daily life, have an enormous impact on health outcomes. These non-medical factors are called the social determinants of health. They include economic policies and systems, development agendas,...
COVAX supply update on COVID-19 vaccination in Syria, 19 August 2021
Summary On 15 August 2021 Syria received the second batch of COVAX-facilitated AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccines with support from Sweden, amounting to 174 720 doses, 79% of which will be administered by the national immunization programme in Government-controlled areas and northeast Syria, and approximately 21% in northwest Syria through Gaziantep. This...
WHO supports life-saving and essential health care services in Daraa, south Syria
WHO is in the process of rehabilitating Daraa tuberculosis centre, planned for completion by the end of 202112 August 2021, Damascus, Syria – In response to ongoing conflict in Daraa, south Syria, WHO is working with the Ministry of Health and local health partners to respond to urgent health needs. “Escalating conflict in Daraa has resulted in...
Kuwait supports essential health care service availability in Syria with additional US$3 million
12 August 2021, Damascus, Syria – WHO welcomes a new donation from the Kuwait Fund For Arab Economic Development to support health care for all people in need in Syria. This new contribution of US$ 3 million comes at a critical time as the health system faces shortages in resources due to sanctions and is overwhelmed by the ongoing COVID-19...
Updates on COVID-19 vaccination in Syria, August 2021
11 August 2021 – More than 355 500 total doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in Syria as of 9 August as part of ongoing efforts to protect priority groups and control virus transmission. This includes 55 500 doses administered in northwest Syria and 19 354 doses administered in northeast Syria. This coverage reflects less than 1% of the...