Reaching people living in northeast Syria with COVID-19 vaccines


29 June 2021 – 17 500 of the 203 000 COVID-19 vaccine doses delivered to Syria thus far through the COVAX Facility were sent to northeast Syria as part of the country’s national immunization programme.

The vaccines were airlifted from Damascus to Quamishli. Around 13 320 doses were allocated for use in the governorate of Al-Hasakeh and 4180 for use in areas of the governorate of Deir-ez-Zor under the control of the Self-Administration. In addition to the COVAX consignment, 6200 vaccine doses were delivered overland to Ar-Raqqa governorate.

As of 27 June, 11 012 people in northeast Syria had received a first vaccine. They included people in camps and comprised 2222 health care workers and 8790 people aged 55+ and/or with co-morbidities.

Coordination between different health authorities in northeast Syria presented a number of challenges during the vaccination campaign. WHO facilitated essential negotiations and supported operational and technical elements of the campaign. Initial low uptake of the vaccine by health care workers was also of concern and was addressed proactively by WHO and partners on the ground. 

Vaccination rollout began at a limited number of fixed sites in Al-Hasakeh on 18 May before expanding on 23 May to include a mix of fixed and mobile vaccination teams deployed to target all health workers throughout the governorate irrespective of their affiliation to facilities run by the government of Syria or the Self-Administration. As of 27 June, 6885 people in Al-Hasakeh had received a first dose. They included 1058 health workers and 5630 people aged 55+ and/or people with co-morbidities.

The vaccination drive in the east of Ar-Raqqa governorate began on 7 June. Eight fixed vaccination teams were deployed in areas controlled by the Self-Administration. As of 27 June, 2233 people had been vaccinated, including 353 health care workers and 1880 people aged 55+ and/or those with co-morbidities.

Vaccination in the east of Deir-ez-Zor governorate began on 1 June. 12 fixed vaccination teams were deployed to vaccinate health care workers in various areas controlled by the Self-Administration. Several mobile vaccination teams were also deployed. As of 13 June, 2091 people had been vaccinated in those areas, including 811 health care workers and 1280 people aged 55+ and/or with co-morbidities.

Two vaccination teams are on stand by in the governorate of Aleppo to access the cities of Ain Al Arab and Menbij. The Department of Health in Aleppo delivered 200 doses of the Sinopharm vaccine to Menbij and 100 to Ain Al Arab. Vaccination of health workers began at the Aljadid and Serrin public health centres in Menbij on 27 June.

An additional 483 people within the target groups have been vaccinated at camps and informal settlements in Al-Hasakeh and Deir-ez-Zor governorates.

The vaccination campaign in northeast Syria is expected to have reached its target by the end of June.