Examples of pictorial health warnings

Tobacco companies use packaging and other advertising techniques to make tobacco use appealing, while distracting consumers from the harsh reality of how tobacco use destroys health.

Warnings on packaging are an inexpensive and powerful way to show the truth about tobacco consumption. Warnings that include images of the harm that tobacco causes are particularly effective at communicating risk and motivating behavioural changes, such as quitting or reducing tobacco consumption.

Picture warnings convey a clear and immediate message, even to people who cannot read. They reduce the overall attractiveness of tobacco packages – an important function for a product whose new users are typically young, and image and brand conscious.

Examples of pictorial health warnings from countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region


Image shows pictorial health warning from Djibouti on how tobacco use impacts pregnancy outcome.  

Image shows pictorial health warning from Djibouti on how tobacco use impacts the circulatory system. 

Image shows pictorial health warning from Djibouti on how tobacco use impacts the brain, causing strokes. 

Image shows pictorial health warning from Djibouti on how cigarette smoke contains toxic substances, impacting those exposed to it.  

Image shows pictorial health warning from Djibouti on how second-hand smoke impacts children, and the need to protect them from exposure to it.

Image shows pictorial health warning from Djibouti on how second-hand smoke impacts children, and the need to protect them from exposure to it. 

Image shows pictorial health warning from Djibouti on how tobacco use impacts the lungs, causing cancer. 

Image shows pictorial health warning from Djibouti on how tobacco use causes cancer, leading to pain and suffering. 

Image shows pictorial health warning from Djibouti on how tobacco smoke contains toxic substances. 

Image shows pictorial health warning from Djibouti on how tobacco use during pregnancy impacts the unborn child. 

Image shows pictorial health warning from Djibouti on how smoking causes lung cancer.  



Image shows pictorial health warning from Egypt on the need to protect children from exposure to second-hand smoke. 

Image shows pictorial health warning from Egypt on how smoking causes heart and arterial diseases.  


Image shows pictorial health warning from Egypt on how tobacco use impacts the lungs, causing cancer. 

Image shows pictorial health warning from Egypt on how smoking during pregnancy impacts the unborn child and can lead to miscarriage. 


Islamic Republic of Iran

Image shows multiple displays of pictorial health warnings from Islamic Republic of Iran on how smoking impacts the lungs, causing cancer. 

Image shows multiple displays of pictorial health warnings from Islamic Republic of Iran on how smoking impacts the lungs, causing cancer. 


Image shows multiple displays of pictorial health warnings from Islamic Republic of Iran on how smoking impacts the lungs, causing cancer. 

Image shows multiple displays of pictorial health warnings from Islamic Republic of Iran on how smoking impacts the lungs, causing cancer. 



Image shows pictorial health warning from Jordan on how smoking impacts the lungs, causing cancer. 

Image shows textual health warning from Jordan on how smoking impacts health, causing death.