Call for applications for a regional training centre for research on infectious diseases of poverty with a focus on intervention and implementation research in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region

Deadline for submissions: 30 November 2014

In line with health research needs identified by both the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean and TDR, this call is to select a regional training centre for research on infectious diseases of poverty with a focus on intervention and implementation research in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. The regional training centre is expected to offer training courses aimed at building health research skills, mainly but not exclusively on intervention and implementation research.

Over a 2-year period, this centre should progressively integrate a package of skill-building courses into its training programmes. The skills include: a practical understanding of research ethics; good practices in human health research; writing a strong proposal and sound protocol; effective project planning, management and evaluation in health research; effective research results dissemination and utilization.

Training on implementation research will be based on the TDR’s implementation research toolkit. The inclusion of train-the-trainer programmes will enhance dissemination of these courses among other institutions in the Region.

Complete information and application process