Regional resources
Strategy/policy documents
A number of global and regional strategies, resolutions and documents provide strategic guidance for health workforce development at regional and national levels.
The "Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: Workforce 2030", adopted by the World Health Assembly in May 2016, outlines policy options for WHO Member States, responsibilities of the WHO Secretariat and recommendations for other stakeholders.
The "WHO Global Strategic Directions for Strengthening Nursing and Midwifery 2016–2020" is the principal global guiding document for the development of nursing and midwifery in Member States. The launch of this document took place at the Global Forum for Government chief Nursing and Midwifery Officers on 18 May 2016, Geneva, Switzerland.
Building on the Global strategy on human resources for health and recommendations from the High-Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth, the Framework for action for health workforce development in the Eastern Mediterranean Region was endorsed at the 64th Regional Committee in Islamabad, Pakistan in October 2017 to address health workforce challenges in achieving universal health coverage and the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals.

WHO Global Strategic Directions for Strengthening Nursing and Midwifery 2016–2020
Eastern Mediterranean framework for action on reforming medical education
Eastern Mediterrranean framework for action to strengthen nursing and midwifery (2016-2025)
Regional Committee resolutions
Strengthening the nursing workforce to advance universal health coverage in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
English | Arabic | French
Annual report of the Regional Director
English | Arabic | French
Medical education: a framework for action
English | Arabic | French
Universal health coverage
English | Arabic | French
Health systems strengthening in countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region: challenges, priorities and options for future action
English | Arabic | French
A World Health Organization code of practice on the international recruitment of health personnel
English | Arabic | French
Promoting nursing and midwifery development in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
English | Arabic | French
Accreditation of hospitals and medical education institutions
English |
Health professions education
English |
Improving the quality of nursing and midwifery in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
English |
The need for national planning for nursing and midwifery in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
English |
Report on progress in health manpower development in the Region
English |
Technical papers
Strengthening the nursing workforce to advance universal health coverage in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
English | Arabic | French
Towards universal health coverage: challenges, opportunities and roadmap
English | Arabic | French
Health systems strengthening in countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region:challenges, priorities and options for future action
English | Arabic | French
EM/RC56/Background paper
A World Health Organization code of practice on the international recruitment of health personnel
English |
Promoting nursing and midwifery development in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
English |
Accreditation of hospitals and medical education institutions
English |
Health professions education
English |
The need for national planning for nursing and midwifery in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
English |
Report on progress in health manpower development in the Region
English |
World Health Assembly resolutions
WHA75.17 Human Resources for Health
WHA 70.6
Human resources for health and implementation of the outcomes of the United Nations’ High-Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth | Arabic | French
Strengthening nursing and midwifery [pdf 18.60kb]
WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Migration of Health Personnel [pdf 32.35kb]
Primary health care, including health system strengthening [pdf 18kb]
Strengthening nursing and midwifery [pdf 197kb]
Rapid scaling up of health workforce production [pdf 193kb]
International migration of health personnel: a challenge for health [pdf 23.21kb]
Strengthening nursing and midwifery [pdf 11kb]
Strengthening nursing and midwifery [pdf 11kb]
Strengthening nursing and midwifery [pdf 66kb]
Reorienting of medical education and medical practice for health [pdf 12kb]
Maternal and child health and family planning: Quality of care [pdf 11kb]
Strengthening nursing and midwifery in support of strategies for health for all [pdf 11kb]
WHO Fellowships [pdf 10kb]
The role of health research [pdf 12kb]
Strengthening nursing and midwifery in support of strategies for health for all [pdf 11kb]
The role of nursing/midwifery personnel in the strategy of health for all [pdf 9kb]
The role of nursing/midwifery personnel in primary health care [pdf 11kb]
Increasing and improving the supply and use of nurses [pdf 7kb]
Meeting reports
Summary report on the Meeting on the strategic framework for health workforce development in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Cairo, Egypt, 1–2 June 2016
Nursing and midwifery
Summary report on the Expert group meeting on the regional framework for action on strengthening nursing and midwifery in the Eastern Mediterranean Region 2015–2025, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 25–26 March 2016
Summary report on the Expert group meeting on regulation of nurses, midwives and allied health professionals, Cairo, Egypt, 8–10 December 2015
Summary report on the Regional nursing forum: the future of nursing and midwifery in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Amman, Jordan, 24 April 2015
Related links
WHO headquarters
Health workforce observatories
Regional observatories on human resources for health
HRH Journal
Human Resouces for Health Journal
International associations of health professionals
International Confederation of Midwives
International Council of Nurses
International Pharmaceutical Federation
World Federation for Medical Education
Other organizations
The Capacity Project (HRH Action Framework)
World Directory of Medical Schools
Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research
Asia-Pacific Action Alliance on Human Resources for Health
Global Health Workforce Alliance
International Labour Organization
WHO collaborating centres global database
WHO collaborating centres on health workforce in the Region
WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing Development at College of Health Sciences, Manama, Bahrain
Human Resources for Health journal
The Framework for Action on Health Workforce Development in the Eastern Mediterranean Region 2017–2030
The Framework for Action on Health Workforce Development in the Eastern Mediterranean Region 2017-2030 was endorsed at the 64th Regional Committee in Islamabad, Pakistan in October 2017.