World AMR Awareness Week 2023
Each year, World AMR Awareness Week aims to raise awareness and inspire action around antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The global campaign takes place annually from 18 to 24 November. This year’s theme is “Preventing antimicrobial resistance together”.
AMR is a growing public health problem as it puts at risk the effective treatment of a range of life-threatening infections. It’s also a threat to animals, plants and the environment. Preventing AMR requires collective action from all sectors of society. Misuse and overuse of antimicrobials, especially antibiotics, are among the key drivers of AMR.
This year, the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean calls on all health workers to adopt appropriate prescribing practices for antibiotics. This includes junior doctors and other young health professionals, as well as medical, nursing and pharmacy students.
To help prevent AMR, health workers should:
only prescribe and dispense antimicrobials when needed, in line with current national guidelines and The WHO AWaRe (Access, Watch, Reserve) antibiotic book;
prevent spread of AMR through enhanced infection prevention and control measures at all levels of the health system;
where antibiotics are indicated, prescribe the best choice – in most cases, an Access antibiotic – at the right dose and for the right duration; and
encourage peers, especially young health professionals and students, to prescribe antibiotics in line with guidelines and only when necessary.

Campaign competition
Join in our competition to promote the proper use of antibiotics. University students, young health professionals and youth organizations – this is our challenge to you!
Support WHO in tackling the misuse and overuse of antibiotics in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Enter our competition for a chance to win an award and have your submission featured on WHO platforms.
Submit a video or a proposal for a campaign to promote the WHO AWaRe antibiotic book – and encourage your fellow health workers to do the same. The deadline for entries is 22 October 2023.
“Competition – Information note” | Arabic