World Bank and WHO scaling up readiness and response to COVID-19 in Yemen

Yemen, April 6, 2020 – The World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) announced critical support to WHO — providing US$ 26.9 million towards Yemen’s preparedness and response scale-up to COVID-19 under a new World Bank-funded Yemen COVID-19 project.

“Yemen’s health system is already fragile, and an outbreak of COVID-19 would be catastrophic — overwhelming hospitals, health facilities and health care workers,” said Altaf Musani, WHO Representative in Yemen. 

Globally and as of the moment, COVID-19 affects 208 countries, resulting in a case load of over 1 133 700, including almost 62 784 deaths. Drastic measures have been taken by these affected countries to contain the spread of the disease, while countries with no cases have rapidly scaled up preparedness and response measures in the eventuality of an imported case.

“Diseases do not respect international borders, and countries like Yemen must remain vigilant in ensuring the reduction of the cross border potential of COVID-19, but also that it is ready to respond if we do end up with cases,” said Altaf Musani, WHO Representative in Yemen. 

This new World Bank support for the Yemen COVID-19 project comes at a crucial time as cases continue to increase worldwide. 

Countries are cancelling school days, events and mass gatherings, while others have imposed restricted or no entry policies for people coming from COVID-19-affected countries. 

All this signals how seriously the world is taking this public health threat, making sure that they too are ready to respond.