Daily programme

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Technical meetings* (Ballroom, Al Bandar Hotel)

09.00-10.00 Pooled vaccine procurement: review of progress to date

• Introduction by Dr Ezzedine Mohsni (WHO) and Mr Rudolf Schwenk (UNICEF)

• Discussions

10.00-11.00 Health system strengthening – Role and Regulation of the private sector

• Introduction by Dr Sameen Siddiqi (WHO)

• Discussions

11.00-11.30 Break

11.30-12.30 Health information systems: an update on the development of a list of core indicators

• Introduction by Dr M. Ali (WHO)

• Discussions

12.30-13.30 Break

13.30-14.30 Global action plan for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases 2013-2020

• Introduction by Dr Samer Jabbour (WHO)

• Discussions

Announcement on the WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic

14.30-16.00 Addressing antimicrobial resistance: priorities in the Region

• Introduction by Dr Keiji Fukuda (WHO) and Professor Otto Cars (Uppsala University)

• Discussions

Viral hepatitis (Egypt case study)

• Introduction by Dr Wahid Doss (Ministry of Health and Population, Egypt)

• Discussions

*In accordance with Decision No.3 of the Fifty-ninth Session of the WHO Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean Region in 2012

A. Opening of the Regional Committee (Al-Bustan Hotel-Majan Hall)


a) Recital from the Holy Quran

b) Formal opening by H.E. Dr Bahar Idris Abu Garda, Minister of Health, Sudan, and Chairman of the Fifty-ninth Session of the Regional Committee

c) Welcome address by the Government of Oman

d) Address by Dr Ala Alwan, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean

e) Keynote speech by H.R.H. Princess Muna Al-Hussain, WHO Patron for Nursing and Midwifery in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

20.30 Dinner (AlBustan Hotel-Majan Hall)

Day one, Monday, 28 October 2013


B. Regular Sessions (Ballroom Al Bandar Hotel)

a) Election of Officers

• Chair

• 2 Vice-Chairs

• Chair of Technical Discussions (Agenda item 1 (a))

b) Adoption of the provisional agenda and the provisional Daily Time-table (Agenda item 1(b)) EM/RC60/1- Rev.3

c) Decision on: Establishment of the Drafting Committee

d) Message from Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General

e) Annual report of the Regional Director for the year 2012 and progress reports

• Introduction by Dr Ala Alwan

• Discussions (Agenda item 2) EM/RC60/2 EM/RC60/INF.DOC.1-7

11.00-11.30 Break

11.30-13.20 Technical discussions: Towards universal health coverage: challenges, opportunities and roadmap

• Introduction by Dr Sameen Siddiqi

• Discussions (Agenda item 4(b)) EM/RC60/Tech.Disc.2

Announcement on the World health report 2013: Research for universal health coverage

13.20-13.30 Group photo all members of delegations

13.30-15.00 Break - Lunch-time event - Please refer to Annex 1

15.00-16.30 Implementing the United Nations Political Declaration on Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases based on the regional framework for action

• Introduction by Professor Philip James and Dr Samer Jabbour

• Discussions (Agenda item 7) EM/RC60/9

16.30-17.00 Break

17.00-19.00 Afternoon functions - Please refer to Annex 1

19.00-19.30 Public health in the Region: Views from the Lancet

• Introduction by Dr Richard Horton, Editor of the Lancet (TBC)

• Discussions

19.30-21.30 Dinner and awards ceremony

Day two Tuesday, 29 October 2013


Technical discussions: Regional strategy on health and the environment

• Introduction by Dr Basel Al-Yousfi

• Discussions (Agenda item 4a) EM/RC60/Tech.Disc.1 Health in the post-2015 development agenda

• Introduction by Dr M.P. Kieny

• Discussions (Agenda item 6(d)) EM/RC60/7

Announcement on the Global Status Report on Road Safety

11.00-11.30 Break

11.30-13.30 Technical paper: Saving the lives of mothers and children

• Introduction by Dr Elizabeth Mason and Dr Haifa Madi

• Discussions (Agenda item 5(a)) EM/RC60/3

International Health Regulations (2005): criteria for additional extensions

• Introduction by Dr Keiji Fukuda and Dr Jaouad Mahjour

• Discussions (Agenda item 6(e)) EM/RC60/8

13.30-15.00 Break

Lunch-time event - Please refer to Annex.1

15.00-16.30 Technical paper: Regional strategy for the improvement of civil registration and vital statistics systems

• Introduction by Dr Alan Lopez and Dr M. Ali

• Discussions (Agenda item 5(b)) EM/RC60/10

WHO reform:

(i) Operational planning and implementation of the programme budget 2014–2015 and development of the programme budget 2016–2017

• Introduction by Dr Samir Ben Yahmed

• Discussions (Agenda item 6(c)) EM/RC60/5

WHO reform:

(ii) Report of the launch of WHO’s financing dialogue

• Introduction by Dr M.A. Jama

• Discussions (Agenda item 6(c)) EM/RC60/6

16.30-17.00 Break

17.00 Afternoon functions - Please refer to Annex 1

20.00 Dinner

Day three, Wednesday, 30 October 2013

09.00-11.00 Resolutions and decisions of regional interest adopted by the Sixty-sixth World Health Assembly and the Executive Board at its 132nd and 133rd Sessions

• Introduction by Dr Walid Ammar (EB Member- Lebanon)

• Discussions (Agenda item 6(a)) EM/RC60/4

Review of the draft Provisional Agenda of the 134th Session of the WHO Executive Board

• Introduction by Dr Ziad Memish (EB Member- Saudi Arabia)

• Discussions (Agenda item 6(b)) EM/RC60/4-Annex 1

Review of implementation of Regional Committee resolutions 2000-2011

• Introduction by Dr Samir Ben Yahmed

• Discussions (Agenda item 8) EM/RC60/INF.DOC.8

11.00-11.30 Break

11.30-12.30 • Adoption of the report, resolutions and decisions

• Closing session (Agenda item 13)

Annex 1 – Lunch-time and afternoon events

Monday, 28 October 2013

Lunch-time event


Regional initiative to end the HIV treatment crisis. Launch of the joint WHO UNAIDS advocacy document “Accelerating HIV treatment in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean and UNAIDS Middle East and North Africa regions”

Focal point from Secretariat: Dr Gabriele Riedner

Venue: Al-Bandar Ballroom

Afternoon functions


Meeting for updating on the support of the GAVI Alliance - The EMR GAVI eligible countries are Afghanistan, Djibouti, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, and Yemen.

Focal point from Secretariat: Dr Ezzeddine Mohsni

Venue: Al Bandar Ballroom


Dr A.T. Shousha Foundation and State of Kuwait Prize selection

(closed meeting)

Focal point from Secretariat: Mr Raul Thomas

Venue: Sidab room


G5 Countries’ meeting

Focal point from Secretariat: Dr Sameen Siddiqi and Dr Jihane Tawilah

Venue: Qurayat room

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Lunch-time event


Independent Expert Review Group of the Accountability Commission- Launch of second report on maternal and child Health

Focal point from Secretariat: Dr Richard Horton and Dr Haifa Madi

Venue: Al Bandar Ballroom

Afternoon functions


Side meeting on Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria

Focal point from Secretariat: Dr Gabriele Riedner

Venue: Al Bandar Ballroom