Volume 4, issue 1

Research articles

Maternal mortality: a neglected and socially unjustifiable tragedy, Why WHO selected "Safe motherhood" as the slogan for World Health Day 1998

Augmenting hospital support of maternal and child health care, Saudi Arabia

Tuberculin reaction and BCG scar in children vaccinated at birth

Contraceptive practices among Palestinian refugee women using the UNRWA MCH centre at Nuzha, Jordan

Defective monocyte phagocytic function as a possible genetic marker for rheumatic susceptibility

Bacterial etiologic agents of ocular infection in children in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Etiology and occurrence of acute bacterial meningitis in children in Benghazi, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Diabetes mellitus as a health problem in Saudi Arabia

Dietary energy and protein requirements for Saudi Arabia: a methodological approach

Knowledge and attitudes of teenage students in relation to sexual issues

Compliance of surgeons and nurses in scrubbing time before surgery

Evaluation study of the training programmes for health personnel in Al-Qassim, Saudi Arabia

La morbidité hospitalière dans un district urbain de Tunisie

Water contact activities and schistosomiasis infection in Menoufia, Nile Delta, Egypt

Available data on cancer in the south-eastern governorates of Yemen

Hashish cultivation in the state of Southern Darfour, Sudan

Drug use among prisoners in three main prisons in Khartoum, Sudan

Morphology and structure of filiform papillae of neonates: a light and scanning electron microscopic study

School oral health survey in Kairouan, Tunisia

An outbreak of veno-occlusive disease of the liver in northern Iraq

Magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of vertebral haemangiomas

Human fascioliasis in some countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region

Effectiveness of praziquantel in treatment of intestinal amoebiasis and giardiasis

Soap operas may be good for health: impact evaluation of the Egyptian soap opera, Family house

Anaesthetic management of laparoscopic surgery

The effectiveness of a fluoride mouthrinse programme in prevention of dental caries after five years of application  in the Syrian Arab Republic [in Arabic]

Complementary feeding and weaning practices in four governorates in Egypt

AIDS Information Exchange Centre: six years of achievement

Management of splenic injury in King Hussein Medical Centre