Volume 6, issue 2/3

Research articles

Flexible fibreoptic bronchoscopy in Basra, Iraq: a 20-month experience

Percentage of HbS among cases of sickle-cell trait in Basra, Iraq

Community-based nutritional intervention for reducing malnutrition among children under 5 years of age in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Cross-sectional study of a child health care programme at one family practice centre in Saudi Arabia

An appraisal of computed tomography pelvimetry in patients with previous caesarean section

Incidence of urinary tract infection during pregnancy

Randomized placental and cord blood sampling culture in women with preterm and term labour to detect infection

Prevalence of overweight and obesity in diabetic and non-diabetic Saudis

Maternal mortality in Benghazi: a clinicoepidemiological study

Genital abnormalities and groin hernias in elementary-school children in Aqaba: an epidemiological study

Hypothyroidism and open-angle glaucoma: an accidental or an essential coexistence?

A panel of eight tests in the serodiagnosis and immunological evaluation of acute brucellosis

Risk factors for eye complications in patients with diabetes mellitus: development and progression

Les médicaments en première ligne: disponibilité et prescription dans le district sanitaire de Monastir (Tunisie)

Hypertension and its determinants among primary-school children in Kuwait: an epidemiological study

Knowledge of secondary-school female students on breast cancer and breast self-examination in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Effect of saponin on mortality and histopathological changes in mice

Smoking behaviour among schoolteachers in the north of the Syrian Arab Republic

Mucopolysaccharidosis type I: clinical and biochemical study

Prioritized list of health services in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Hepatitis C virus genotypes in the Islamic Republic of Iran: a preliminary study

Management of diabetes mellitus and hypertension at UNRWA primary health care facilities in Lebanon

Correlation between normal glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase level and haematological parameters

Dental caries among schoolchildren: report of a health education campaign in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

National university hospital discharge survey in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Serological and biochemical characteristics of virulence plasmid of Yersinia enterocolitica isolates from chicken in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Acanthosis nigricans, hyperinsulinaemia and risk factors for cardiovascular disease

Inhibition of luminol-dependent chemiluminescence of human granulocytes by low doses of inorganic mercury

Tumour necrosis factor-alpha concentration in severely asthmatic children

Profile of secondary prophylaxis among children with rheumatic heart disease in Alexandria, Egypt

Primary health care physicians' views on periodic health evaluation in Saudi Arabia

Outcomes of pregnancies complicated by early vaginal bleeding

Risk factors of coronary artery disease in different regions of Saudi Arabia

Assessment of response to tamoxifen among Iraqi patients with advanced breast cancer

Blood-culture-proven neonatal septicaemia: a review of 36 cases

Active case-finding of communicable diseases in the south of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Root caries among Benghazi patients

An outbreak of acute gastroenteritis due to Aeromonas sobria in Benghazi, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

انتشار تسوُّس الأسنان الناجم عن الإرضاع لدى الأطفالالذين بلغوا 3 - 5 سنوات من العمر في مدينة دمشق  

العلاقة بين سوء التغذية بالبروتين والطاقةوبين حالة اللثة في الأطفال

Effect of age on colour of dentition of Baghdad patients

Ultrasound assessment of normal splenic length and spleen-to-kidney ratio in children

Reproductive behaviour in women in Shiraz, Islamic Republic of Iran

Frank intrabiliary rupture of hydatid hepatic cyst: diagnosis and treatment

Could a routine skin test to penicillin lead to fatal anaphylaxis?