Volume 9, issue 5/6

Research articles

Cardiovascular risk factors in Saudi Arabian and non-Saudi Arabian diabetic patients in Saudi Arabia

Clustering of cardiovascular risk factors among Omani adults

Burden of coronary heart disease on the Iranian oil industry (1999–2000)

Smoking patterns among primary health care attendees, Al-Qassim region, Saudi Arabia

Current and never smokers: differentials in characteristics, knowledge and perceptions

Hyperhomocysteinaemia, hyperlipidaemia and risk of venous thromboembolism in Shiraz

Profile of acute poisoning cases presenting to health centres and hospitals in Oman

Pregnancies past the estimated date of confinement: labour and delivery outcome

Breastfeeding indicators in Dakahlia Governorate

Influence of mothers’ characteristics on their perceptions and use of the growth chart

Acute rheumatic fever in Jordanian children

Co-morbidity and treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Saudi Arabia

Inpatient child and adolescent psychiatric referrals in Saudi Arabia: clinical profiles and treatment

Adolescent abuse in a community sample in Beni Suef, Egypt: prevalence and risk factors

Knowledge of and attitudes towards family planning by male teachers in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Outcome of azithromycin treatment of active trachoma in Omani schoolchildren

Tuberculin reactivity among health care workers at King Abdulaziz University Hospital, Saudi Arabia

Epidemiology of malaria in Al-Tameem province, Iraq, 1991–2000

Malaria and intestinal parasitosis among children presenting to the Paediatric Centre in Sana’a, Yemen

 Selected epidemiological features of human brucellosis in Yazd, Islamic Republic of Iran: 1993–1998

 Epidemiology of acute renal failure in hospitalized patients: experience from southern Saudi Arabia

 Microbiology of wound infection after caesarean section in a Jordanian hospital

 Innovative learning approaches in an established medical school: the experience at JUST in Jordan

Rythme du cortisol pendant le mois de ramadan

مواقف الأطباء العامين تجاه مندوبي شركات الأدوية بجهة سوسة (تونس)

Les effets métaboliques du jeûne du mois de ramadan chez des diabétiques de type 2

 Effect of water softening on the colour intensity of routine haematoxylin and eosin stain


The diabetes prevention and control programme of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Screening for type 2 diabetes in the Iranian national programme: a preliminary report