

WHO country office participates in COP27 and launches global initiative on climate action and nutrition
  • 17 January, 2023

WHO country office participates in COP27 and launches global initiative on climate action and nutrition

22 January 2022 – The WHO country office in Egypt participated in the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) that was hosted by Egypt from 6 to 8 November, and led more than 14 side events contributing to various initiatives that work to deliver on health and climate action. Launch of the first global initiative on climate and nutrition During COP27, the COP27 presidency and the WHO country office officially launched the first ever global Initiative on Climate Action and Nutrition (I-CAN) with the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), other United Nations agencies, and partners such as the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition. The multisectoral flagship initiative will support Member States in accelerating progress in both climate and nutrition, through facilitating technical and high-level support, advancing integrated action, and acting as a hub for capacity-building and data and knowledge transfer. “Food production is a major source of...