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Mental health and psychosocial support

We would like you to answer the following questions as accurately as possible to give us a clearer idea about your situation.

Which is your current country of residence?

Thank you for your interest in our platform. Unfortunately, the current service is only provided to individuals residing in countries of WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Region. Please refer to mental health services that are available in your country.

In order to share resources designed for psychological support, we ask you to take a 5-minute questionnaire about your current psychological well-being. Depending on your answers, we might advise you to contact a mental health professional or service in your country of residence. We can provide you with relevant contact information. Please feel reassured that your answers will remain confidential. You are free to withdraw from the process at any point. We also understand that you might be concerned about someone other than yourself. If this is the case, please think of this person while you are answering the questions below.

Do you agree to answering questions about your psychological well-being?

Thank you for visiting our platform. Please know that we welcome your return to our platform anytime you wish to use our service. Alternatively, you can refer to our Online resources.

In the past month, have you felt sad, or hopeless, all or most of the time?

  • Thank you for answering this question. While being sad is a normal reaction to some events, constantly feeling this way can negatively affect your life.
  • Our mental health and psychosocial support platform will provide you with information, tips and exercises to cope with the stress and distress you may be experiencing. However, we strongly advise you to contact a mental health professional from the list in Section 3. Please do get in touch with them as soon as possible. While you may feel that this is a difficult step for you to take we urge you to do so, mental health professionals really can help and it helps to talk to someone about how you are feeling.

In the past month, have you felt uninterested in activities that you used to like, all or most of the time?

  • Thank you for answering this question. If you feel that you often lack energy and motivation, this can have a negative impact on your life.
  • Our mental health and psychosocial support platform will provide you with information, tips and exercises to cope with the stress and distress you may be experiencing. However, we strongly advise you to contact a mental health professional from the list in Section 3. Please do get in touch with them as soon as possible. While you may feel that this is a difficult step for you to take we urge you to do so, mental health professionals really can help and it helps to talk to someone about how you are feeling.

In the past month, have you ever felt so irritable, angry, stressed, anxious or afraid that nothing could calm you down?

  • Thank you for answering this question. Feeling stressed is a normal reaction to some situations, but if you constantly feel stressed, this can be harmful to your physical and mental health.
  • Our mental health and psychosocial support platform will provide you with information, tips and exercises to cope with the stress and distress you may be experiencing. However, we strongly advise you to contact a mental health professional from the list in Section 3. Please do get in touch with them as soon as possible. While you may feel that this is a difficult step for you to take we urge you to do so, mental health professionals really can help and it helps to talk to someone about how you are feeling.

In the past month, have you been unable to carry out any daily essential activities such as getting out of bed, taking a shower or preparing your meals, because of negative feelings or by feeling overwhelmed by the problems you are facing?

  • Thank you for answering this question. Losing interest in activities that you usually find enjoyable can be a warning sign of decreased psychological well-being.
  • Our mental health and psychosocial support platform will provide you with information, tips and exercises to cope with the stress and distress you may be experiencing. However, we strongly advise you to contact a mental health professional from the list in Section 3. Please do get in touch with them as soon as possible. While you may feel that this is a difficult step for you to take we urge you to do so, mental health professionals really can help and it helps to talk to someone about how you are feeling.

Now, we would like to ask you a few more questions as part of the assessment.

Have you used any substances for non-medical use in the past 12 months?

You can choose more than one option.

  • Substance use is a risk factor for a number of long-term physical and mental health problems. Please visit the section on substance use.

Are you currently or in the past 3 months have been using any drug by injection for non-medical use?

  • Thank you for answering this question. Substance use is a risk factor for a number of long-term physical and mental health problems.
  • Our mental health and psychosocial support platform will provide you with information, tips and exercises to cope with the stress and distress you may be experiencing. However, we strongly advise you to contact a mental health professional from the list in Section 3. Please do get in touch with them as soon as possible. While you may feel that this is a difficult step for you to take we urge you to do so, mental health professionals really can help and it helps to talk to someone about how you are feeling.

Due to immense stress or suffering, sometimes, some people may feel that life is not worth living.

In the past month, have you had suicidal thoughts?

  • We can see from your answer that you are experiencing a tremendous amount of distress. While our mental health and psychosocial support platform can provide you with information, tips and exercises to cope with the stress and distress you may be experiencing, we strongly advise you to contact a mental health professional from the list in Section 3. Please do get in touch with them as soon as possible. While you may feel that this is a difficult step for you to take we urge you to do so, mental health professionals really can help and it helps to talk to someone about how you are feeling.

Do you have plans to take your own life?

  • Thank you for answering this question. From your answer, we can see that you are at risk. While our mental health and psychosocial support platform can provide you with information, tips and exercises to cope with the stress and distress you may be experiencing, we strongly advise you to contact a mental health professional from the list in Section 3. Please do get in touch with them as soon as possible. While you may feel that this is a difficult step for you to take we urge you to do so, mental health professionals really can help and it helps to talk to someone about how you are feeling.

In the past 12 months, have you attempted to end your life?

  • Thank you for answering this question. From your answer, we can see that you are at increased risk of harming yourself. While our mental health and psychosocial support platform can provide you with information, tips and exercises to cope with the stress and distress you may be experiencing, we strongly advise you to contact a mental health professional from the list in Section 3. Please do get in touch with them as soon as possible. While you may feel that this is a difficult step for you to take we urge you to do so, mental health professionals really can help and it helps to talk to someone about how you are feeling.

Thank you very much for answering our questions. We completely understand that dealing with the current pandemic might be overwhelming. We would like to provide you with some information about the impact of COVID-19 on mental health. Then, we will walk you through some ideas for managing the psychosocial difficulties that you or your loved ones might be experiencing.

Are you a frontline worker in the COVID-19 response? (doctor, nurse, emergency medical staff, paramedic, technician, case identifier, worker involved in dead body management, volunteer, or other)

  • Thank you very much for answering our questions. While millions of people around the world are being asked to stay at home in order to stay safe from the COVID-19 pandemic, you – frontline workers – have been called to duty. Going to work might have placed you under immense and unprecedented pressure and put your physical, mental and social well-being at risk. This platform is designed to provide you with basic support.

Thank you very much for answering our questions. We completely understand that dealing with the current pandemic might be overwhelming. We would like to provide you with some information about the impact of COVID-19 on mental health. Then, we will walk you through some ideas for managing the psychosocial difficulties that you or your loved ones might be experiencing.