WHO in Somalia
Turning hope into happiness: rehabilitating boreholes in a hard-to-reach area in Somalia shows promises of a happy life
Children and adults queuing to collect water from the newly rehabilitated Salama borehole, North Galkayo, Puntland, 2 July 2022. Credit: WHO Somalia6 July 2022 – Water is a key prerequisite to safe hygiene and sanitation practices and — by that measure — good health and dignity. However, a large proportion of the Somali population has limited...
Protecting children from measles in drought-affected Somalia
27 June 2022 – When young Nastexo and Salmo developed high fevers, coughs, sore throats, runny noses and watery eyes, Ilmo may not have known exactly what problem her children had, but their rashes gave it away. Ilmo, who lives in a drought-affected location in Baidoa, knew her children had measles as she had seen many cases recently and had...
WHO and Ministry of Health build on innovation to create climate-resilient environmentally friendly health systems
The high-level mission views the solar-powered medical oxygen plant in Dhushamareb, Somalia in June 2022. Photo credit: WHO Somalia. Mogadishu, 26 June 2022– From 13 to 17 June 2022, the Federal Ministry of Health and Human Services and the World Health Organization (WHO) country office for Somalia hosted a technical mission from WHO headquarters and...
Building back better to boost childhood immunization, in the midst of a severe drought
A skilled health worker vaccinates a child at a camp for the internally displaced persons in Kismayo. Credit : WHO Somalia/Arete 20 June 2022 – The promise of primary health care, and one of the main premises of universal health coverage is to promote good health for everyone, everywhere, including during dire health emergencies. In Somalia, the...
Stepping up humanitarian operations for drought: cholera vaccination campaign rolled out to protect over 900 000 Somalis in drought-affected districts
WHO Somalia/Fouzia Bano14 June 2022, Mogadishu – On 14 June 2022, Somalia rolled out the first round of a five-day campaign to vaccinate 934 511 people against cholera in nine high-risk districts that are currently facing ongoing outbreaks of cholera. The World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) are supporting the...
WHO steps up humanitarian operations for drought response: introducing emergency and critical care services as part of integrated service delivery at the primary heath care level
WHO Somalia12 June 2022 – At the busy Midnimo District Hospital in Abudwaq, a nurse and her two assistants take shifts to sit at a desk to assess the patients who come in. The nurse has been trained by WHO to deliver basic emergency care and to observe the patients and ask their caregivers or the patients themselves – if they can speak – key...
WHO scales up operations to save lives from cholera and other waterborne diseases
A public health officer discussing supplies at the oral rehydration therapy corner at the Bayhow cholera treatment centre. Credit: WHO Somalia/Dhal Hassan9 June 2022 – At the cholera treatment centre in the Bayhow General Hospital in Baidoa, Dr Abdirahman Isack Mohamed sighs when he explains some of the gruelling effects of the lingering...
Ending polio in Somalia: children vaccinated in national immunization day
7 June 2022 – On 6 June 2022, the WHO Representative in Somalia Dr Mamunur Rahman Malik was joined by the UNICEF Country Representative Ms Angela Kearney, the Governor and Mayor of Mogadishu HE Omar Mohamed Mohamud Flish and Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General and the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for...
Stepping up humanitarian operations for drought: WHO’s support to the stabilization centres is saving lives
WHO has been supporting the Government with life-saving supplies for children with severe acute malnutrition and medical complications (Baidoa, 2022). Credit: WHO/Somalia 30 May 2022 – Fatima Ahmed Ali and her one-year-old son Abdullahi are just two of many Somalis whose lives have changed due to the ongoing drought in Somalia. This drought is...
Ending the neglect: eliminating worm infections as a public health problem in Somalia
School-aged children receive essential medicines to tackle schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminth infections. WHOSomalia/Khurram Sajjad.29 May 2022 – Neglected tropical diseases affect people who lack regular access to adequate sanitation, basic health infrastructure and health services. These diseases can lead to significant morbidity,...