WHO in Syria
Syrian health professionals call for urgent action ahead of World Antimicrobial Awareness Week
Dr. Rajab Bek underlined the urgent need for collective action to face the growing menace of AMR17 November 2024, –World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) is held annually between 18 to 24 November. As this year’s WAAW approaches, Syrian health professionals are highlighting the threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Dr Mohammad Wahid Rajab Bek,...
WHO mobilizes lifesaving health services in response to the Lebanon-Syria displacement crisis
Photo caption: WHO staff following up with beneficiaries at one of the WHO-supported health centers in rural Aleppo, Syria. Photo credit: @WHO Syria. 13 November 2024, – In collaboration with the Syrian Ministry of Health (MoH) and partners, WHO has mobilized healthcare services to address the urgent needs of over 510,000 displaced individuals who...
Syria launches a training programme to strengthen hospital management
ToT programme to enhance hospital management and care across Syria. Photo credit: @WHO Syria-Bashar Sattari31 October 2024, – On 23 October 2024 the World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with Syria’s Ministry of Health, announced a comprehensive training of trainers (ToT) programme to enhance hospital management and care across...
WHO intensifies efforts to combat TB, HIV, and Leishmaniasis control in Syria
EMRO team visiting the newly established leishmaniasis treatment centre in Salah Al-Din, Aleppo, as part of WHO's efforts to expand healthcare access in Syria. Photo credit: @WHO Syria.24 October 2024 – On 3 October 2024, experts from the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean and the WHO Country Office concluded a mission in Syria to...
Aleppo’s paediatric hospital revitalized and equipped
The newly equipped and renovated Intensive Care Unit at the Pediatric Hospital in Aleppo. Photo credit: @WHOSyria.9 October, Aleppo, Syria – The World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and with funding from the People of Japan, has delivered essential medical equipment to the newly...
Syria's hidden struggle: mental health in crisis
Caption 1: Dr. Ghazwan Bweedani at Azaz Mental Health Hospital with a patient. 10 October 2024 – More than thirteen years of crises have taken a heavy toll on the health and well-being of Syria’s population, particularly its healthcare workers. On this World Mental Health Day, themed “Mental Health at Work,” WHO is highlighting the immense...
WHO secures US$ 5.5 million from CERF to boost emergency health response in Syria
6 October 2024 – The World Health Organization (WHO) welcomes the US$ 5.5 million funding received from the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to enhance its integrated multisectoral emergency response in Syria. The funding will enable WHO to continue delivering life-saving healthcare services to the most vulnerable populations in...
Jehan's story: the life-changing impact of timely medical care during conflict
Jehan receiving free maintenance for her artificial limbs at the Rehabilitation and Artificial Limbs Centre. Photo credit: WHO Syria.17 September 2024, Damascus, Syria – Improving Diagnosis for Patient Safety, the theme of this year’s World Patient Safety Day – observed annually on 17 September – calls global attention to the critical need for...
Thaer Al-Ali: nursing on the frontline
Photo caption: Thaer Al-Ali at BASMA Association in Rural Damascus, Syria providing healthcare for a young cancer patient.1 September 2024, Damascus, Syria –Thaer Al-Ali is a nurse at the BASMA Association in Syria’s Rural Damascus governorate. He is part of a team caring for children with cancer. “Every day starts early. By the time I arrive at...
Abu Sary’s lifelong dedication to immunization
Abu Sary is pictured with WHO staff in July 2024 during the 2nd round of the Big Catch-up vaccination activity in Al-Saan health center, Suqaylabiyah, Hama Governorate.27 August 2024, Damascus, Syria – On 28 May 2024, delegates of the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly took part in a special high-level event to celebrate 50 years of...