Quit with Florence


Quitting smoking is more important than ever, as smokers are more likely to develop severe COVID-19 compared to non-smokers. It is also more important than ever, in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, because smoking rates are high, especially among men and young people.

Florence is a 24/7 digital health worker to help more people quit tobacco, in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and beyond. After a short conversation with you via video, audio or text, Florence can help you build your confidence to quit smoking, make a plan, and recommend toll-free quitlines or apps.

Florence, developed in partnership with Soul Machines, Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud gives real-time emotional responses and uses facial expressions… and don’t worry, Florence does not collect or store any of your data because she respects your privacy.

So #CommitToQuit today with Florence because quitting smoking is more important than ever, as smokers are more likely to develop severe COVID-19 compared to non-smokers. It is also more important than ever, in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, because smoking rates are high, especially among men (36.8%), and young people – where they can reach up to 42% in boys and 31% in girls.

We know from our data that many of you want to quit but lack the necessary support to do so. Speak to Florence to quit tobacco today. Tell your friends, family and co-workers about her. Florence also speaks English, French, and other languages.