Decade of action for road safety 2011–2020

UN Decade LogoOn 2 March 2010, the UN General Assembly endorsed resolution A/64/L.44/Rev.1 declaring a Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011–2020. The resolution was tabled by the Government of the Russian Federation and co-sponsored by more than 90 countries.

By taking up this commitment, Member States have taken it upon themselves, with the support of the international community, the mission of stabilizing and then reducing the forecast level of road traffic crashes and resultant injuries, deaths and disabilities across the globe.

This landmark resolution emulates the Moscow Declaration, which underlines the importance of protecting all road users, in particular, the most vulnerable, such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. This Declaration came out of the First Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, hosted by the Government of the Russian Federation in November 2009.

Related links

Decade of Action official web site

Resolution A/64/L.44/Rev.1 Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011–2020

Moscow Declaration

First Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety