World AIDS Day 2022

World AIDS Day 2022: network-based testing


On 1 December WHO joins partners to commemorate World AIDS Day 2022 under the theme network-based testing. WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Region lags behind on most HIV indicators in terms of diagnosis, treatment and viral load suppression.

In 2021, WHO and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) estimated that there were 430 000 people living with HIV (PLHIV) in the Region, of whom 41% were diagnosed, 27% were on treatment and 24% achieved viral load suppression.

Diagnosis remains the first bottleneck that challenges the HIV response in the Region.

This year’s regional World AIDS Day campaign theme is focusing on network-based testing and will build on the success of the last year’s campaign and continue demonstrating models for surge testing, namely using social networks to mobilize PLHIV to identify peers in their social network to test for HIV.

The key objective of this year’s campaign is to increase testing and case identification in the Region through mobilizing PLHIV and key populations to be advocates for HIV testing among their peers and within their network.

HIV testing month

The 1 December will be the start of regional HIV testing month in the Region, WHO, in collaboration with countries, is calling on every person living with HIV to bring at least one person from their network to get tested. The campaign aims to reach a target of diagnosing 5000 new PLHIV in December 2022.

HIV testing centres

Quick facts about HIV/AIDS in the Region in 2021

Prevalence of HIV among adults aged 15 to 49 (%): <0.1 

There were an estimated 430 000 PLHIV, including 14 000 children (1–14)

Adults and children newly infected with HIV: 42 000

New HIV infections (per 1000 uninfected population): 0.06

Number of people dying from HIV-related causes: 19 000

HIV epidemic was concentrated among high-risk groups; men who have sex with men, sex workers, prisoners, transgender, and injecting drug users

Percentage of PLHIV who are aware of their status out of total PLHIV: 41%

Percentage of PLHIV who are receiving treatment out of total PLHIV: 27%

Percentage of PLHIV who achieved viral load suppression out of total PLHIV: 24%

Estimated percentage of pregnant women living with HIV who received antiretroviral for preventing mother-to-child transmission: 23%

Campaign materials


Regional Director's message and quotes

On World AIDS Day, we renew our commitment to ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic. In October this year, countries in WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Region expressed their support for a new regional action plan to end AIDS by 2030. The action plan adopts a health system approach to deliver HIV services integrated within the health system, along with services for hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections.

Regional Director's message | Arabic |French

Social media cards

Animated GIF