WHO in Somalia
ECHO funds help provide lifesaving health supplies and services to over 5 million population across drought-affected states in Somalia
ECHO-funded project helped equip 11 nutrition stablisation centres across target districts with severe acute malnutrition kits to record a cumulative average cure rate of 94.25% amongst under five children. Photo Credit: WHOSom/I. Taxta18 March, 2024 - Mogadishu, Somalia - The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the World Health...
International Women’s Day 2024: advancing gender equality in Somalia’s health workforce
8 March 2024, Mogadishu, Somalia – Somalia’s health ministry and WHO observed International Women’s Day 2024 with a resolve to improve life for women in Somalia by empowering the female health workforce. To do so, they will address policy, human resource and operational matters, as well as capacity-building gaps for women in the health sector. “Invest in...
CERF support safeguards lives of 95.9% of children at WHO-Supported stabilization centres in Somalia
WHO–CERF support helped Somalia’s Federal Ministry of Health to set up outreach camps for flood-affected communities across Jubaland and Hirshabelle states. Photo credit: WHO Somalia/A. Mustaf08 February 2024, Mogadishu, Somalia – The WHO Country Office in Somalia, with timely support from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), has helped to...
Every Breath Counts: increasing access to medical oxygen in Somalia
Supervisor General of King Salman Humanitarian Aoid and Relief Centre (KSrelief) His Excellency Abdullah Al Rabeeh address to inaugural ceremony of project in Mogadishu on 28 January 2024. Photo Credit: courtesy KSrelief 29 January 2024, Mogadishu, Somalia – A project to reduce the alarmingly high number of child deaths related to pneumonia and...
Somalia launches electronic immunization registry in latest leap of innovation
With the launch of an electronic immunization registry in Somalia, WHO Somalia and the Federal Ministry of Health plan to improve the country’s immunization profile. Photo credit: WHO Somalia/I. Taxta 16 January 2024, Mogadishu, Somalia – An electronic immunization registry is set to help increase and streamline immunization coverage in Somalia,...
USAID’s BHA supports WHO to continue the health emergency response to Somalia’s drought
Participants from the Federal Ministry of Health, USAID/BHA and WHO Somalia pose for a group photo after a review meeting of the USAID-funded project in Mogadishu. Photo credit: WHO/Fouzia Bhatti 18 December 2023, Mogadishu, Somalia – The WHO country office for Somalia, along with the Federal Ministry of Health, and the United States Agency for...
WHO and KSrelief helps trains 28 health professionals on basic emergency care
Participants received hands-on training sessions during basic emergency care training in Hargeisa on 5–9 November 2023. Photo credit: WHO Somalia/S. Farah08 December 2023, Hargeisa, Somalia – Nearly half of the deaths and one-third of disabilities in fragile settings like Somalia are estimated to result from conditions that timely emergency care...
German humanitarian assistance helps to serve 7 million drought-affected people across Somalia
German funding has helped WHO Somalia support ministries of health to extend outreach sessions to more than 5 million people across 74 drought-affected areas in Somalia. Photo credit: WHO/I. Taxta4 December 2023, Mogadishu, Somalia – Over 7 million people in Somalia have gained access to improved health and nutrition services since November...
From desperation to triumph: saving the lives of children with severely acute malnutrition in fragile settings
WHO Somalia with the support of UN-CERF is providing hope and life-saving treatment to malnourished children by sustaining stabilization centres across Somalia. Photo credit: WHO Somalia/I.Taxta15 November 2023, Mogadishu, Somalia – Malnutrition affects communities far and wide, weaving its way through many lives, often with devastating results. The...
FIND supports WHO to deploy community health workers who are reaching out to marginalized and often excluded settings with essential health care and saving lives in Somalia
Sarbina Ali, a community health worker visits on average 50 households in the IDP camp to raise awareness about the importance of hygiene and refer patients to available health services including immunization. Photo credit: WHO Somalia/I. Taxta 22 November 2023, Mogadishu, Somalia – Amid the severe drought crisis in Somalia, Sarbina Ali, a...