Highlights of road safety country activities

Police officer with speed cameraAfghanistan

Afghanistan marked the third United Nations Road Safety Week 2015, which was launched by H.E. Deputy of Ministry of Public Health, with the participation of high-ranking officials of other sectors. A road safety media orientation session was organized for representatives of TV channels, radio stations, the print media and public relation department of the Ministry of Public Health at the national level. A consultative/advocacy session was organized for traffic policemen on the current burden of road crashes. A multisectoral coordination mechanism to further work on road safety measures was established. 


Egypt revived the National Council for Road Safety and updated the national action plan to reduce the number of road traffic crashes. Egypt has a 3-year national project to raise traffic awareness with the objective of alerting road users to drive safely and to attain a high degree of awareness so that the Egyptian citizen is conscious of their responsibility of good road use. 

Islamic Republic of Iran

Islamic Republic of Iran held the fourth and fifth International Conference on “Reducing the burden of traffic accidents, challenges and strategies” focusing on the 5 pillars of the Decade and on pedestrian safety, respectively. Both conferences were conducted to brief policy-makers on the importance of road safety, explaining the protective measures, and re-introducing the Road Safety Decade. Islamic Republic of Iran marked the third UN Road Safety Week 2015 at national and provincial levels and began ranking roadside schools safe as a priority in Road Traffic Maintenance Organization. In November 2014, a 10-day road safety awareness campaign was launched nationally. Each day was dedicated to and named after a specific road safety topic, with the objective of briefing policy-makers on the importance of road safety and explaining different stakeholder’s roles and responsibilities. A 4-day workshop was also conducted on “New approaches to safe road management.” 


Iraq’s highest council for road safety developed the action plan for the national strategy 2011–2020. Iraq also launched a campaign/general awareness-raising using the media and conducted a training programme on first aid for drivers and policemen. 


Jordan developed the strategic plan of the Directorate of General Security for the years 2014–2016. The seventh conference on road safety (2015) was organized to present the most important research and studies in the field of traffic at the local, regional and global levels in terms of solutions and recommendations to assist decision-makers to take the highest level of traffic discipline and raise the level of road safety. The Jordanian Traffic Institute held 10 training workshops for teachers and administrators on traffic concepts to convey to their students to strengthen their capacities to protect themselves from the risks of run-over accidents.


Lebanon enforced a new Traffic Law # 243 and strengthened national capacity to enforce it. Awareness-raising activities included public campaigns, media programmes, congresses and workshops. A scientific conference was organized by ESCWA, in collaboration with WHO Lebanon Office, Syndicate of Engineers and national nongovernmental organizations in 2015. Saint Joseph University continues to run its Masters programme on the management of road safety, in collaboration with the Renault Foundation.


Morocco started implementation of new activities within the national strategy for road safety by authorizing new measures for road safety, developing a special system for penalty enforcement and linking it to all respective sectors. Other activities included creating a points system for drivers’ license, providing professional drivers with a professional license, qualifying teaching driving sector. Efforts were also undertaken for renovating the equipment for road surveillance, technical control of vehicles as well as improving the infrastructure. Awareness-raising activities included marking the national day for road safety (18 February), production of sensitization materials, and production of TV programmes.


Palestine is working on implementing and enforcing its traffic laws with the aim of limiting serious injuries and decreasing resulting deaths and disabilities. This is done through mandating the use of seatbelts, as well as banning the use mobiles while driving and exceeding the speed limit. In the case of non-compliance, monetary fines are imposed; points are scored on the driver’s record and withdrawal of the driver’s license is done in certain cases.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is finalizing the design of an Electronic Injury Surveillance System, including the software, data collection tools, and training manuals. The overall aim of the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System is to gather regular ongoing information for prevention of injuries and efficient use of resources


Sudan launched the Decade (11 May) and marked the Arab Traffic Week through the distribution of various IEC materials. The materials included stickers demonstrating what to do after crash, the Decade’s symbol, and related posters and banners were posted on some bridges in Khartoum. 


Tunisia strengthened their ambulatory system on the roads through collaboration among all stakeholders (Ministry of Health/Ministry of Interior/nongovernmental organizations, such as the Red Crescent), developed a fleet transportation, improved road conditions and supported awareness in the field of road traffic safety. Efforts to prepare a national strategy for the prevention of road crashes have been initiated. Scientific conferences and meetings were held, focusing on improving care of the injured after collisions. Training and skills development courses for health personnel to improve post-crash care were conducted. 


Yemen marked Arab Traffic Week, which is organized annually by Ministry of Interior, with and awareness campaign under the theme “Together for a safe traffic environment for all”, on 4–10 May 2014. The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims was also celebrated on 17 November 2013.

Related links

Decade of Road Safety diaries

Reported changes in road safety legislation 2013–2015