Reported changes in road safety legislation 2013-2015


  • Stricter laws on drink-driving and the use of seatbelts, and introduction of the point system for the drivers that do not abide by the speed law or use child restraints. 


  • Drink-driving law has been changed and punishment increased to one year. In case of involvement in a crash resulting in injury, penalty would be a sentence of 2 years and a fine of 10,000 Egyptian pounds. In case of resulting death, punishment is the imprisonment from 3 to 7 years and a fine of not less than 20,000 pounds.
  • Amendments are being introduced on wrong-way driving. 


  • Ministry of interior developed the law no.2 of 2015 which organizes the use of vehicles and updating the uniform numbering of the vehicles to avoid the illegal use of imported vehicle.


  • Amendments are being made for the points system in setting fines, instructions of constructing race fields and pedestrian law for 2014.
  • A revised draft of the road traffic law of Jordan for drink-driving, seat belts, child restraints, helmet use, speeding  and mobile phone use while driving has been prepared for the year 2015. This law is now in the constitutional stages until the issuance and publication in the Official Gazette.


  • New scales are defined for drink-driving.
  • Seat belts became obligatory for all occupants. 
  • Child restraints and motorcycle helmet use became obligatory, but the standards are not set yet.
  • All communication devices are forbidden while driving, and infraction are variously sanctioned.
  • Driving under fatigue became sanctioned.
  • The new traffic law no. 243 stipulated the creation of a National Road Safety Council, National Road Safety Committee and related Secretariat.


  • Drink-driving law amended to having no maximum level for alcohol and blood.
  • Seat belts became obligatory for all occupants. 
  • There is an increase in fine and points for those who disobey the speed limit and use their mobile phone while driving.


  • Order No. 146 of 2000 on driving under the influence of alcoholic: reducing the proportion of alcohol per litre of blood from 0.5 g/l to 0.3 g/l for all drivers and 0.0 g/l for professional drivers and novice drivers.
  • Order No. 147 of 2000: mandatory seat belt use for all drivers and front-seat occupants inside and outside the national construction and gradually to include the occupants of the rear seats in the compulsory use of safety belt for a year after the release of the text. 

Related links

Decade of Road Safety diaries

Highlights of road safety country activities